Jesus had forgiven a paralyzed man of his sins.  The scribes and Pharisees who were present in that crowd-filled house reasoned in the secret places of their minds and they each came to the conclusion that only God can forgive sins…so this man Jesus was a blasphemer.  (Luke 5:20-21)

(NASB) Luke 5:22 “But Jesus, aware of their reasonings, answered and said to them, ‘Why are you reasoning in your hearts?”

Jesus ‘read’ the reasonings of the scribes and the Pharisees as they thought about what they were hearing from the mouth of Jesus.

What can you hide from God?  Nothing, nada, zilch.  Not your motives, not your most private thoughts – for He knows you and how you think.

To be openly honest with God, you and I need to be openly honest with ourselves.

Hypocrisy hides heart thoughts from others but never from God.
As people age…barriers begin to crumble…what was secret at a younger age can no longer be kept secret.  A scowl, a tone of voice, body language – we give ourselves away.

The scribes and Pharisees were probably aghast at Jesus’ seeming blasphemy!  They did not know Jesus…but Jesus was about to lead them to know Him better.

Tomorrow this devotional will address Jesus’ authority to forgive sins.

What would Jesus say to you about the reasonings of your heart?
Do you need His forgiveness for wrong motives, deceptive words intentionally used to mislead others, perhaps self-pity, or being quick to be offended by the actions or words of others?

Jesus has the authority to forgive your sins and mine…let us thank Him after we ask His forgiveness…for He knows the Reasonings of our Hearts.