True friends will lead you to Jesus.

  There was a day in which Jesus was teaching in a home…with an ever-present crowd filling the room and possibly spilling out into the yard and even street.
Down the street came several men carrying a stretcher with a paralyzed man on it.
(See Luke 5:18-20)

What are some of the lessons which we can learn from this true story?

The friends of the paralyzed man had faith in Jesus to heal him.  (Who do you know who needs Jesus to heal them?)

These men took their friend to where Jesus was and this required time away from their usual routines, it required physical effort on their part, sustained effort for they took him to where Jesus was…in a house.  (What are you willing to forego so your friend can be healed by Jesus?)

The men got to the right house but they could not get through the crowd with the stretcher!  The way was blocked, so they had to find another way to Jesus…they did not give up, they persevered.  (Where do you search for “another” way to bring your friend to Jesus?)

They had carried the man through the streets, now they had to climb the outside stairs of the house to get to the flat roof.  (How do you continue and follow through in getting your friend to Jesus?)

Common Sense and Patience
They get to the roof and had to determine where Jesus was sitting in the rooms below so the tiles they removed would not be in the wrong place.  They also had to obtain a rope or very strong strips of cloth which would hold the stretcher level and would be long enough to reach the floor below them.  (Your desire for your friend to meet Jesus should not be done only on an emotional level but also on a common sense level.  What details do you need to see to in order to get your friend in front of Jesus?)

Goal Achieved But with Unexpected Results
As Jesus was teaching, the sounds above Him could have distracted Him, the fine dirt and dust probably would have sifted down on Him.  (What are your expectations when you bring your friend to Jesus?  Have you been surprised at the unexpected results?)

Jesus commended the faith of the friends who had brought the paralyzed man to Him.
Then He said something they may not have been expecting…
(NASB) Luke 5:20 “Seeing their faith, He said, ‘Friend, your sins are forgiven you.’”

Jesus gave the man the most essential healing first!  His sins were forgiven! 

The Faith of Friends is recognized by Jesus.