Jesus was teaching a crowd of people from a boat put out from shore and:
(NASB) Luke 5:4 “When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, ‘Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.’”

First: Jesus finished teaching the crowd.
Second: Jesus began a ‘teachable moment’ to Simon and at least two others.
(See Luke 5:5-7)

What is striking about this interchange between Jesus and Simon?  No questions were asked!
What Jesus DID NOT ask Simon:
Simon was NOT asked how the fishing had been all night.
Simon was NOT asked if he would do as Jesus said to do.
Simon was NOT asked if he were too tired.

What if…Jesus asked Simon instead of making a statement about going into deep water and fish?  Simon could easily have said no…

(NASB) Luke 5:5 “Simon answered and said, ‘Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing, but I will do as You say and let down the nets.”

What if…Simon asked Jesus: ‘you’ve got to be kidding, right?  I’m tired, it’s been a long night, no way am I going to go through a fruitless exercise!’
What if…Simon had not listened carefully to Jesus?
What if…he had not thought before he spoke?

Jesus did not ask Simon, instead He simply stated what He desired…and a confrontation was avoided.
Simon did state his case…it had been a looong night, no fish had been caught and he had to have been tired, bone tired.
However, Simon respected Jesus and agreed to do as Jesus said…and a confrontation was avoided.

How can we avoid a confrontation, even when we are really tired?  Asking questions to raise another’s anger or to get in their ‘face’…is to be stirring up the situation.  How can we avoid a confrontational attitude?  By being careful of the questions we ask.  Seeking information or knowledge is one thing…being confrontational and causing others to be defensive is quite another.

What questions are you asking?