Belief in God…acts upon His truth given to you each day.

    What does the living God want you to do?  Here is a partial list…to get you started:
*To Wait…on God for direction
*To Read…His word with an expectancy to ‘hear’ His voice to you through His written words of the Holy Bible
*To Do…what He says
*To ‘Listen’…to Him each day and act upon what you ‘hear’
*To Grow…in your faith in Him, the living God of the Holy Bible

Belief in God…acts upon His truth given to you each day.

  Jesus was talking in the Nazareth synagogue on a Sabbath when He said:
(NASB) Luke 4:27 “And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, but only Naaman the Syrian.”

Jesus had reviewed the circumstances of Elijah going to Zarephath to a widow…a Gentile, now He related the situation of a leprous Syrian (another Gentile).  Jesus related how God had met the daily needs of the widow and her son during drought and famine.  Now He used the healing of a leprous Gentile.  Both of these Gentiles had done what was told them by the two prophets, Elijah and Elisha…godly men doing what the Lord God had told them to do…going where God told them to go.  The two prophets’ belief in God gave others food and healing.

What does the Lord God want you to do?  Jesus came to reveal His Father…are you ‘looking’ and ‘listening’ in expectancy as you read your Bible?

Belief in God…acts upon His truth given to you each day