A host is a multitude, perhaps too numerous to be able to count.  That is how many showed up to sing to a few night shift shepherds.

(NASB) Luke 2:13-14 “And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,
14 ‘Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.”

This message of the heavenly host was to glorify the highest God; there is no One greater than the living God of the Bible.

This message was sent to comfort those who please God, that they would have peace.    Where was peace in that day and time?  The Romans were in charge and it was called Pax Roma.  Peace?  Yet that was God’s message to those shepherds.
Peace?  Where is there peace in this world today?  Riots, lies, graft and corruption, untrustworthy leadership are in many countries of the world today.  God’s word twisted by people to suit their agendas.

Can anyone have peace?  Can anyone please God?  This writer believes so.
Consider (NASB) Romans 12:1 “THEREFORE I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.”

Yielding to God pleases Him – anyone, anyone, who yields themselves to God, is a living sacrifice.  The followers of Christ serve the living God of the Holy Bible.  We are to live yielded to Him in this world.  We have peace within because we have peace with God – this pleases Him!

There is no need to be negatively defensive, nor is there a need to be negatively offensive either.  Why?  Because we have God’s peace, we trust Him no matter that there are those who want to destroy our peace.

The followers of Christ are to give God the glory by the way we live, the words we speak and the way we act.


We, too, have a message to give to the world in which we live.