In the following Scripture there is a phrase which predominates…“the water prevailed.”
The LORD God had forewarned Noah of the coming judgment:
(NASB) Genesis 6:5 “Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

Noah had preached to the people the entire time he was building the ark:
(NASB) 2 Peter 2:5 “…Noah, a preacher of righteousness…”

And how did the people respond?  They ignored God’s warning through Noah.  The Holy Bible gives a sequence of events which forewarn of God’s inexorable judgment.

The floods came and lifted the ark which contained Noah, his family and all the animals within it.  The “water prevailed” and increased on the earth.  The “water prevailed” until all the high mountains were covered, all flesh on the earth died, people and animals. The “water prevailed” for one hundred and fifty days.  Then God remembered Noah and He caused a wind to pass over the earth to begin the drying process…as the waters steadily receded.  (See Genesis 7:17-24 and 8:1)

What was the way of escape for Noah and his family?  The ark!  Today the way of escape from God’s judgment is Jesus Christ.  The ark which Noah built is an illustration of how God saves people from His judgment…through the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ…is the only way anyone can escape God’s inexorable judgment.

It is the Lord Jesus Christ Who took your punishment for your wrong doing, i.e. your sins.

It is the Lord Jesus Christ whose perfect sacrifice pleased God.  It is only His perfect sacrifice that can save anyone.

It is the Lord Jesus Christ and His resurrection which becomes the refuge for all who believe in Him as Savior.

It is the Holy Spirit of God Who seals anyone who believes in Jesus Christ and they are a child of God…for all eternity…a promise of God!  (See Ephesians 1:13)

The “water prevailed” in the days of Noah.  There is a coming judgment of God on all who do not receive Jesus Christ by faith as their Savior.

The “Water Prevailed”…God’s Inexorable Judgment

And God’s inexorable judgment will prevail…not by water, but by fire.  (See Revelation 21:8)