How are you going to begin this new year?  How do your prayers reveal your heart for God?  How shall you pray as you turn the page of the calendar to 2012?

A heart for God reveals an intimacy, a desire to know the LORD’S ways.

A heart for God desires to be taught how to live according to God’s paths.

A heart for God asks Him to lead in His truth (not your truth or the truth as spouted in your culture apart from God).

A heart for God wants, yes, desires Him to teach you.  Why?  Because God is the One Who has provided salvation.  Your salvation and mine saves us from God’s wrath, His wrath which our sins deserve.  It is through the LORD Jesus Christ you and I receive salvation. As His followers we are saved from our sins.

A heart for God seeks His forgiveness and knows the freedom of that forgiveness.

A heart for God waits all the day for God Himself.

How are you going to begin this year of our Lord, 2012?

How do your prayers reveal your heart for God?

How shall you pray today?

(NASB) Psalm 25:4-5

“Make me know Your ways, O LORD;

Teach me Your paths.

5 Lead me in Your truth and teach me,

For You are the God of my salvation;

For You I wait all the day.”


As you begin a New Year, what is your heart’s desire?

Is it A Heart For God ~ in 2012?