Jonah was called by the LORD to go to Nineveh (enemy of Israel) and Jonah went in the opposite direction…he went to a seaport and paid passage on a ship.  Then Jonah went down into the hold of the ship…it would have been dark and would have ‘hidden’ him from prying eyes.

After the ship set sail, a great storm came tossing the ship and causing the sailors great fear.  They threw overboard any thing that caused weight.  Nothing worked.  Sailors crying out to their own gods…the storm did not lessen.  Where was Jonah?  He was in the hold of the ship, asleep.  The captain found Jonah and told him to “Get up, call on your god.  Perhaps your god will be concerned about us so that we will not perish.” [(NASB) Jonah 1:6]

Then the sailors decided to cast lots to find out who was responsible for this ‘calamity’.  The lot fell to Jonah and he was questioned: “What do you do?  Where do you come from? What is your country? From what people are you?” [(NIV Jonah 1:8]

Jonah told them he was a Hebrew and that he feared “the LORD God of heaven who made the sea and the dry land.” [(NSAB) Jonah 1:9]

This frightened the sailors even more – for they knew he was fleeing from the presence of the LORD his God (for he had told them).  They asked him, what should we do?  His answer?  Throw me overboard, and then the sea will become calm.  Jonah knew he was responsible before his LORD God.

The unwilling sailors finally did what he had said and the storm “stopped its raging”.  The results for the sailors?  They worshiped the LORD and offered a sacrifice to Him.


There is no hiding or running from the LORD’S presence.

Jonah ran from the presence of the LORD but he couldn’t hide from Him.

Are you Fleeing From the Presence of the LORD?

If so, you can run, but you can’t hide!