On the first day of the week some women hurried from the empty tomb to where they knew they would find the disciples of Jesus. Jesus had been crucified, dead and buried and now the tomb He was placed in was empty. Two men in brilliant white garments had told them He had risen from the dead. (See Luke 24:1-9)
As they excitedly told the disciples all that they had heard and seen, it was if they were hit in the face with cold water. They were not believed. Their words seemed as nonsense to the men, idle tales, something they thought they had seen and heard because they didn’t want Jesus to have died.
The men listened and did not believe this improbable story.
(See Luke 24:10-12)
Two disciples decided to check it out for themselves. They ran to the tomb and found it empty. John looks in and then backs out, Peter rushes in and finds the tomb empty. Both men see the linen wrappings used to wrap the body of the dead lying there…but no body. (See John 20:3-8)

How frustrating…the women were speaking the truth and yet not believed.
Today…the truth of God is not believed either.

Only Jesus could convince the disciples of His resurrection…and He did.
But women were the first to be told…what a privilege!

Today, continue to speak the truth of God to an unbelieving world.
Only the LORD can convince people of His reality, of His truth.
Followers of Christ are to be faithful … whether believed or not.