(NASB) Psalm 119:160 “The sum of Your word is truth,
And every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting.”

Truth: genuineness, honesty, reality, accurate, integrity.  These are a few words which describe truth.  And these same definitions can be used to define God’s word.
God’s word is genuine, honest, established in reality (not myth), accurate and filled with integrity.  What a foundation to build your life upon…God’s truths.

True: actual, real, reliable, consistent with reality.  These definitions also describe God and His word.
God’s word is real and it is reliable, His word is consistent with the reality of life and the circumstances in which we live.  His word can be relied upon in any circumstance.
No matter your ‘feelings’, no matter your circumstances, no matter what…God’s word stands firm.  There is no shifting, no backing down, no changes, no fence sitting, no compromises.
When life may seem to be ‘falling apart’ and fear rules…for the followers of Christ, that is when we can cry out, turn to and rely on God, period.  (We also trust in Him when things are calm and joy makes our steps light.)

(NASB) Matthew 24:35 “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.”

God’s word will never become obsolete (although people may wrongly think it is ‘out of date’).  God’s word will never disappear or die.
The heavens and the earth will pass away (God says so)…what seems impossible to man is not impossible with God.  God’s word is that important to Him, and it should also be that important to us.

God’s word is truth…

God’s word is genuine, honest, accurate, filled with integrity…

God’s word is true…

God’s word is real, reliable and consistent with reality…

What is God’s word to you?