Jesus interceded for Himself; then for His eleven disciples “¦then for all who would believe in the future”¦that is you and me! Have you ever thought about that?! You, if you have received Jesus into your life as your Savior and Lord, were prayed for on the night of His betrayal! That night He would be arrested, condemned to die and by 9 am the next morning would be impaled on the cross”¦for your sins.

Too often, we do not consider what His sacrifice means for us personally. The sins you and I commit against God were put onto Christ Jesus when He was crucified”¦He took your place and mine and became our sin offering to God. Only a perfect sin offering would be accepted by the holy God. And Jesus was it.

And to think He prayed for us knowing what He would suffer in the coming hours. He was not a victim”¦He was not self-pitying”¦He was doing what He had come to earth to do. He was, and is, the great High Priest Who became the Lamb of God Who gave His life and His blood for the sins of all who will receive Him as Savior and Lord.

(NASB) John 17:20 “I do not ask on behalf of these alone”¦”

Jesus had just prayed for His eleven disciples”¦men who had followed Him for three years

(NASB) John 17:20 “but for those also who believe in Me through their word.”

All believers in Christ are the result of the Holy Spirit drawing us to God. And we are also the result of believing their testimony chronicled in the Gospels and the letters of the New Testament.

Something to think about:

The Lord Jesus interceded (prayed) for you

on the night of His betrayal”¦