Jesus”™ own words ““ not mine, or anyone else”™s ““ explains why He alone is the door through whom anyone must enter into heaven.

John 14:6 “Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me.” [Amplified]

Jesus warned His disciples that He was leaving and He also warned them of Satan, but they were not to fear.

(NASB) John 14:30 “I will not speak much more with you, for the ruler of the world is coming, and he has nothing in Me;”

Satan is not more powerful than Jesus. Satan is more powerful than any other person. You and I need Jesus and His power in our lives”¦for He has overcome and He crushed Satan when He died on the cross and came to life from the grave of death.

Jesus”™ death on the cross conquered Satan, sin and death. This is why every person needs to receive Jesus into their lives. He alone has crushed Satan”™s schemes. He alone has paid the penalty for my sins; no one else has done this, only Jesus.

Jesus”™ words were put into action when He went to the cross and was crucified. His death was not in vain. His death had a purpose. Sins require a penalty ““ the penalty of a perfect sacrifice before the Holy God of the Bible. Jesus was that perfect sacrifice for He was without sin.

It is hard to wrap my thoughts around this fact”¦Jesus (the Son of God), took my sins on Himself and died in my place on that cross. No one else has done this for me. I need Jesus, because He has saved me from the penalty of my sins.

Jesus has triumphed over Satan, sin, and death in my behalf. This is why I need Jesus and none other.

No other religion has such a Savior”¦the Giver of Life! The God of the Bible is more powerful than satanic forces which are at work in the world today. Jesus said that Satan “has nothing in Me”. No matter what is happening in this world, Jesus is trustworthy for you and your circumstances.

Do you trust Him for His power in your life?