Jesus was sent to give the breath of life to all who accept Him as their Savior and Lord. He is the One Who gives life. The Holy Spirit has been sent to those who follow Christ.

After Jesus died and came to life from the grave He gave His Holy Spirit to His disciples:

(NASB) John 20:22 “And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, “˜Receive the Holy Spirit.”™”

Jesus said to His disciples at the Last Supper:

(NASB) John 13:20 “”˜Truly, truly, I say to you, he who receives whomever I send receives Me; and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.”™”

When anyone receives Christ as their Savior, he/she also receives God the Father Who sent Jesus into the world.

Amazing! Jesus came so you and I can go into the Father”™s presence. Jesus is our link, our bridge, our way to God the Father. And to think that the Father, Who is holy, sent Jesus just so you and I can enter His presence!

Jesus then sent His disciples out to give the Good News to others. And we are recipients of that original band of disciples”™ obedience.

You are responsible for your choices ““ if you will be forgiven or not, if you will kneel before God in the name of Christ, or not. The choice is yours.

Accepting Jesus is to accept His words as truth. To accept Jesus is to accept God the Father.

If you want confirmation as to being a follower of Christ, or you want to receive Him into your life”¦you are invited to click on the Resource tab at the top of this page then click on God”™s Plan of Salvation.

Accepting Christ is to praise Him and thank Him for His love, grace and mercy extended to you.