Many of the world”™s religions have “˜the golden rule”™ stated in the negative sense. However, Jesus gave the “˜golden rule”™ in the positive.

How much in life do we think in the negative? That is the way the world thinks. Remember Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh? “˜Oh me, oh my”™, poor Eeyore”¦he saw the “˜downside”™ of life”¦and his expression reflected his thoughts.

People who are positive in their outlook seem to have a pleasant disposition and facial expressions, don”™t they?

What do others see when they look at you? What does your facial expression reveal about your view of life?

Jesus was teaching about persevering in prayer to God the Father: ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking (don”™t give up), knock and keep on knocking.

When we are seeking God”™s help, we aren”™t to give up. He gives us His best gifts for our needs.

So what good gifts do you want, do you need? Ask, Seek, and Knock and when your children ask you for good gifts for their needs, you give them as much as you are able. And so does God the Father give good gifts to His children. [Are you a child of God with Jesus Christ as your Savior?]

Notice in the following verse that Jesus said, “˜In everything, therefore”¦”™ because we are asking, seeking knocking for God to supply our needs we are to treat others as we want to be treated.

(NASB) Matthew 7:12 “In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”

Jesus concluded this part of His Sermon on the Mount with the Golden Rule. He said that this “˜golden rule”™ was the summation of all the Law and the Prophets. The Law and the Prophets are the Hebrew Bible (the Christians Old Testament).

Our commitment, as children of God, should be to His words.

Our commitment is to put God”™s words of practicality into action in our lives”¦learning God”™s words is good, but we need to be making a commitment to actually doing them.

Treat others as you want them to treat you.