Impossible to Serve Two Masters

There is a famous quote that is often misquoted. The misquote is: “˜Money is the root of all evil.”™ The true quote is found in: (NIV) 1 Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil”¦” (Underlining added) Money is necessary in this life; however, our attitude toward it […]

The Eye is the Lamp of the Body.

Our eyes are sensitive to light and darkness. When we step out into the bright sunlight, we squint until our eyes adjust. When we step out of a well lit room into the darkness of night”¦again our eyes must adjust to the difference. Jesus was not talking about our physical eyes, but our spiritual eyesight. […]

True Treasures of Eternal Value

“˜Help me, O Lord, to understand how Your words apply to my life”¦”™ This is my prayer, what is your prayer? (NASB) Matthew 6:19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.” What you and I value, what we collect, reveals our […]

A Teachable Heart Attitude”¦Begins with Prayer

As Jesus prayed alone on the night He was betrayed, the night before He would suffer and be crucified the next day”¦He prayed, knowing the coming events. (NASB) Matthew 26:39, 42 Verse 39 “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.” Verse […]

Act of Righteousness”¦Fasting

Fasting is self-denial of something”¦usually food and/or water. Fasting was practiced by many in the Old and New Testament. Fasting was done for specific purposes”¦because of personal sin or the sin of a nation. (See Deuteronomy 9:18) The focus of fasting is on the Lord God as sin is confessed, the reading of Scriptures and […]

Forgiveness”¦According to Jesus

One day, Peter went to Jesus and asked a very serious question. Questions which we ask usually indicate something about what is going on in our lives. Scripture does not tell us what was going on in Peter”™s life but his question can lead us to speculate. (NASB) Matthew 18:21 “Then Peter came and said […]

Pattern for Praying”¦For Deliverance

A certain protocol has been established for those who approach the Queen of England. How much more must we approach the living God through the protocol He has established through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ? Anyone who approaches God Almighty must do so without sin. Sin separates all people from Him, for all have […]

Pattern for Praying”¦Against Temptation

Jesus said, “˜Pray, then, in this way: (NASB) Matthew 6:9-13a “And do not lead us into temptation”¦” When anyone falls into temptation, gives into temptation ““ there is only one direction to go and that is down and away from God. Beware of wrong desires for these lead to sin and sin results in death. […]

Pattern for Praying”¦Forgiveness

The dictionary defines: “˜Sin”™: The willful breaking of religious or moral law. “˜Debt”™: something owed to another. “˜Trespass”™: to go beyond the limits of what is considered right; do wrong; transgress. When you pray the Disciple”™s prayer (commonly called the Lord”™s Prayer) what word does your church use in this portion of the prayer? “˜And […]

Pattern for Praying”¦Dependency on God

Jesus took prayer seriously. He said, “˜This, then, is how you should pray”¦”™ Jesus was dependent on His Father every day. He showed this dependency through His habit of praying daily. What is the pattern for daily prayer which Jesus said His follower”™s are to pray? First: Acknowledge God as our Father (and this can […]