What reasons take you to different places and to be with specific people? Sometimes you are really involved and interested”¦other times you do it because you have a job to do, or you want to please someone.

The reason Jesus was sent by His Father: was to teach, preach and bring many to a relationship with God through His Son”™s death and resurrection. The Lord was, and is, vitally interested in you.

Did Jesus say all of this to the people who wanted Him to stay in their town?

No, He revealed all of this over the next three years of His ministry, death and resurrection.

Isn”™t that how God works most effectively in our lives? He works over a period of time to reveal Himself to us, as we are ready to receive His truths.

(NASB) Luke 4:43 “But He said to them, “˜I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose.”™”

Jesus had healed many people the night before”¦did the crowd want His miraculous healing powers to be at their disposal? Probably”¦ Don”™t we usually want things our way? But Jesus”™ words emphasized what He considered the most important part of His ministry at this time: preaching the good news of the kingdom of God to many. Today, Jesus could have typed up His words and sent out an e-mail to thousands. But in doing so, the thousands would not have benefited from the physical, personal involvement of Jesus in their lives.

Jesus”™ purpose was to tell many (Jews and Gentiles) of the good news of God”™s perspective of His kingdom. We learn of God”™s perspective as we study and read His words to us.

(NASB) Luke 4:44 “So He kept on preaching in the synagogues of Judea.”

Notice where Jesus chose to preach ““ in the synagogues; which would have been on the Sabbath (Saturday).

Where do you go to hear God”™s words? When do you go to hear God”™s words?

What actions do you choose in order to hear God”™s words to you?

The Reason Jesus Was Sent”¦

was for you”¦

to hear and believe”¦

the Good News of God”™s kingdom!