You and I have needs and most of us have “˜wants’…we need housing, food, transportation. Some people “˜want’ the biggest and the best, the most luxurious, the biggest and best toys. Bankers give loans that have a high price tag…interest rates. The economy has been plummeting, the loans have become due and some payments are not made and foreclosures follow. The economy is a nightmare of crisis. Fingers are pointed, blame is assigned. It’s easier to blame others than to take responsibility for our own actions and choices isn’t it?

We are responsible for our actions. So many times, we want what we want when we want it and we want it NOW. One way to take responsibility for our actions is to buy wisely within our income…whatever that income is. The economy of our nation reflects our buying habits, doesn’t it? Good buying habits are imperative for a healthy economy and for a good credit rating. NOTE: This is an oversimplification of the chaos and complexity of the economy today.

A good credit rating…many people could care less about a good credit rating until they want to take out a loan…until they need, really need money. We need a good credit rating…not only in the financial areas of our lives but also before God.

(NASB) Romans 4:4

“Now to the one who works, his wage is not credited as a favor,

but as what is due.”

Employers are obligated to pay their workers – salaries and wages are not a gift, they are a result of work.

(NASB) Romans 4:5

“But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness.”

How good is your credit rating before God without Christ as your Savior? It doesn’t even exist. And my credit rating, without Christ Jesus, has nothing in which I can even gain God’s attention. I cannot earn my way into God’s presence in heaven – without credit from God. I have no chance, no opportunity and I do not have enough money or persuasive powers to gain entrance.

How does the dictionary define “˜Justify’? [Theology: To free (man) of the guilt and penalty attached to grievous sin. Said only of God.] Only God can demonstrate or prove

us right, that we have validity before God. This only comes through Jesus Christ…I need Him as my Savior.

What an example of God’s grace which justifies sinners (all have sinned, have done wrong against God). The only way that I, a sinner, can receive God’s grace is to be justified by having faith in Jesus Christ. God’s grace demonstrates and gives validity to what Jesus Christ has done for us.

God “˜credits’ our faith as a gift. Not as a wage that has to be earned. We could never work hard enough or long enough to earn God’s favor. Christ has been there and done that for you and me.

All people have a bad “˜credit rating’ before God. He requires collateral that is a sure thing. He provided the collateral, His Son. Faith in Jesus Christ is credited to all who believe in Christ’s work on the cross in their place. In God’s grace He has credited the followers of Christ as being in a right relationship with Himself.

Amazing Love! Amazing Grace! Amazing God!

How shall you now pray?