The Hubble telescope has taken pictures of many galaxies which cannot be seen by anyone from earth. These galaxies are beautiful, unique in appearance and make-up from any other. God is the Creator Who is unlimited in what He has done and what He will do.

God’s grace, His mercies are new every morning, His grace is beyond our understanding or imagination. Just as the galaxies exist, so does His grace for you and me ~ today.

What is required to have God’s grace in our lives? It is simply…faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Amazingly simple and simply amazing! God’s grace has made a way for us to be righteous (to be in right standing) with the Creator God!

Who can be righteous before God? Nobody…it is only through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that anyone can stand before God and be as if no sin was present. For only Jesus Christ is without sin…He was without sin until He took my sins and yours onto Himself when He hung on that cross. In God’s amazing grace, He accepted His Son’s holy and perfect sacrifice. Then He revealed this when Jesus was resurrected, physically made alive again. Another amazing thing about God’s grace, He gave His Holy Spirit to all who believe in Jesus! God the Father gave God the Son to die and live again so that God the Holy Spirit would be given to live in all who receive the Lord Jesus as their Savior. God’s amazing grace is alive and active in all followers of Christ. His grace is at work in your life today, ask Him to show you.

(NIV) Romans 3:22

“This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.”

All followers of Christ are righteous before God because their faith is in Jesus Christ – not in themselves, not in their wealth, not in their health, not in their popularity, not in their position or power – their faith is in Jesus Christ alone!

(NIV) Romans 3:22b-23

“There is no difference, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…”

Not one person can say that they are more righteous than another, all have sinned, and all have fallen short of God’s glory (note: our comparison is not with another, it is with God Himself!). No one can measure up to the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

This is why you and I need Jesus as our Savior; we are in desperate need of God’s grace.

(NIV) Romans 3:24

“and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

Anyone choosing to place their faith in Jesus Christ has righteousness before God…for eternity!

Anyone choosing to place their faith in Jesus Christ has been justified by His grace…for eternity!

Abraham is one example of receiving God’s grace in the Old Testament. It was nothing that Abraham had done; it was what God would do through Jesus Christ. When Jesus died on the cross, God’s grace extended back in time and forward in time…amazing grace of God!

God’s Grace ~ Freely Justifies Believers in Christ

Have you received God’s grace through Jesus Christ, if so, are you recognizing God’s amazing grace in your life today?