John Newton was a trader in slaves. He would take his ship to the shores of Africa and buy men, women, boys and girls. They would be “˜stacked’ in the hold of the ship and taken to America’s shores to be sold…for those who survived the voyage and its horrors. John Newton became a believer in Christ Jesus as his Savior and this resulted in turning from the trafficking in human lives. He wrote the hymn “Amazing Grace” – read the words sometime.

Newton recognized that he sinned against God and came to understand himself in relation to God – a sinner who was saved only by God’s grace.

For the followers of Christ – it is God’s grace alone which saves and sustains us.

“˜Listen’ to the Psalmist in (NASB) Psalm 143:9

“Deliver me O Lord, from my enemies; I take refuge in You.”

You and I can ask God in prayer for deliverance from our enemies, enemies that attack our thoughts, emotions and wills as well as those enemies that attack unrelentingly. These enemies are our sins and those who sin against us.

One of the many privileges of the followers of Christ is God’s grace, which we do not deserve…just as John Newton did not deserve God’s forgiveness and grace in his life.

“God’s amazing grace…how sweet the sound…”

No one can earn God’s grace, nor does anyone deserve God’s grace – it is unmerited, it is undeserved.

(NASB) Hebrews 4:16

“Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

God’s throne of grace is one in which sinners may approach because of Jesus Christ giving unmerited, undeserved favor to those who accept His gift of salvation. Such is the privilege of the followers of Christ.

What is so amazing about God’s grace? We find God’s mercy, His help at just the right time in our lives.

God’s grace is His Divine Help in our behalf!

His Favor that is Undeserved!

How shall you now pray?