
Day of Pentecost ~ Prophecy of Messiah’s Resurrection

  After receiving the Holy Spirit, Peter preached his first sermon to a crowd gathered outside a house in Jerusalem.  The sermon was all about Jesus, His death and resurrection.  Peter referred to  King David’s prophecy of the risen Christ (Messiah). (NIV) Acts 2:25-28 “David said about him (Jesus Christ): ‘I saw the Lord always […]

Sunday Prayer

Jesus said, “For where two or three have gathered together in my name, I am there in their midst.”  Matthew 18:20 NASB Shall we pray…                                   paraphrased from Psalm 119:89   Your word, O Lord, is eternal truth.  Your word is completely reliable.  You and Your word are worthy of my trust.  When things happen […]

Amazement! Astonishment!

The crowd had gathered outside a house from which a sound of “violent rushing wind” had been heard.  Then they heard the people that had been inside that house talking in various languages…even their own language.  How could this be?  Those people were from Galilee of all places…how would they know various languages?  (Acts 2:5-8) […]

Sunday Prayer

Jesus said, “For where two or three have gathered together in my name, I am there in their midst.”  Matthew 18:20 NASB Shall we pray…This prayer is based on Psalm 22:30-31   Thank You Lord, for hearing my prayer ~ to You belongs all glory, honor and praise.    How great are Your purposes and […]

Day of Pentecost ~ Waiting on God

(NASB) Acts 2:1 “WHEN THE day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.”   God’s promised day arrived…it came as another dawn lightened the sky and flowed into full day.  Again the believers in Christ and His resurrection, ascension and promise had come together in one place.  Did they know who […]


  Waiting…waiting…many times is hard.  We become impatient, surly, prickly, difficult to be around…while we wait.  Waiting to be doing something other than what we feel we’re trapped in at this time in our lives.  Many times as we wait, we grit our teeth, every day!    What did the resurrected Lord Jesus say to […]

… we have heard for ourselves …

What was the “clincher” for the Samaritan woman to believe Jesus that He was Messiah?John 4:18 gives the answer: Jesus knew of her past five husbands and the man she was living with at the time was not her husband.  And that did not stop Jesus from telling her He was the long awaited Messiah.  […]

Have you thanked the Lord for your salvation?

As followers of Christ, we have a great story of salvation to tell – – – ours! All followers of Christ were without Christ in their life… then that day, that time, when the Lord used a sermon, a song, a friend, something to bring to your attention that you needed to ask Jesus to […]

Hanging On and Holding On

When my boys were young, God gave me Psalm 91.  I love that God promises that He will save us from the fowler’s snare, be our refuge and that we do not have to fear.  But I couldn’t let go of them and give them to the One Who could fulfill those promises.  I didn’t […]

Rest is needed in these days of COVID-19

Where do you go for rest?  Emotional and spiritual rest are as important as physical rest.  In fact spiritual rest is the most important rest anyone can have, it affects our lives – for eternity. The Lord God Almighty established a Day of Atonement, the Jewish people were to observe this one day a year.  […]