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In the meantime…be a witness of Jesus Christ

  Jesus promised His apostles that the power of the Holy Spirit would be given to them.   Jesus promised them that they would have power to witness of Him. (NASB) Acts 1:8 “…‘but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, […]

When will God’s Kingdom be restored?

  Before Jesus ascended into heaven we need to remember: none of the New Testament had yet been written; none of the four Gospels (and not how the Holy Spirit worked in the lives of the Apostles), none of the letters, nor the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ…nothing had yet been recorded.    […]

The Acts of the Holy Spirit

  The Book of Acts in the New Testament is an account of the Holy Spirit of God working in and through the Apostles’ of Jesus Christ.    Dr. Luke wrote the Book of Luke (St. Luke) and then he continued with the book of Acts. (NASB) Acts 1:1-3 “THE FIRST account I composed, Theophilus, […]

The Ascension of Jesus Christ

(NASB) Luke 24:50-53 “And He led them out as far as Bethany, and He lifted up His hands and blessed them. 51 While He was blessing them, He parted from them and was carried up into heaven. 52 And they, after worshiping Him, returned to Jerusalem with great joy, 53 and were continually in the […]


  Waiting…waiting…many times is hard.  We become impatient, surly, prickly, difficult to be around…while we wait.  Waiting to be doing something other than what we feel we’re trapped in at this time in our lives.  Many times as we wait, we grit our teeth, every day!      What did the resurrected Lord Jesus say to […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on Isaiah 30:18   Father You are the Lord, the living God of the Bible Who longs to be gracious to me.  Your kindness is beyond my comprehension.  You have raised Your Son, Jesus, from the grave and provided me with a Savior…thank You.  You are compassionate…thank You. […]

Witness: to be present at or have personal knowledge

  Jesus calls His followers to be witnesses.  We have personal knowledge of being forgiven of our sins; we have personal knowledge of God’s peace that passes all understanding…for when we are in right standing before God through faith in His Son, He gives us His peace.   To witness of the Lord Jesus Christ […]

“Witnesses of These Things”

  Before Jesus died He told His twelve disciples…and told them…and told them…however they did not understand what He told them.  Then after His resurrection He explained, yet again: (NASB) Luke 24:46-47 “…‘Thus, it is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dead the third day, 47 and that repentance for […]

All Things Prophesying Jesus Christ ~ Fulfilled!

  The resurrected Jesus stood in the midst of His disciples and said, “Peace be to you.”   Even with those words, they were startled, frightened, and they thought they were seeing a ghost.  (Luke 24:6-37)   Jesus then proved His physical resurrection by having them touch Him and they saw Him eat a piece […]

Doubts and Fears Changed

  Excitedly, two men were telling what they had seen, to Whom they had talked and to Whom they listened as they went toward Emmaus.   These two men had rushed back to Jerusalem, as late as it was, and had found the disciples. They were spilling over with excitement.  It was better than winning […]