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Amazement! Astonishment!

  The crowd had gathered outside a house from which a sound of “violent rushing wind” had been heard.  Then they heard the people that had been inside that house talking in various languages…even their own language.  How could this be?  Those people were from Galilee of all places…how would they know various languages?  (Acts […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on Psalm 22:30-31    How great are Your purposes and plans for all who love You, Lord.  It is through faith in Jesus, the Messiah that we are saved.  We are to tell the next generation what Jesus has done on the cross — where He suffered and […]

Day of Pentecost ~ a Crowd Gathered

  God the Holy Spirit’s power came upon one hundred twenty men and women gathered in a house to pray.  They were followers of Christ.  They were given the ability to speak in another specific language.    The amazing work of God gave those one hundred twenty people the very languages of the people who […]

Day of Pentecost ~ Ability to speak another language

  One hundred twenty people gathered together in one house to pray.  Suddenly, from heaven came the sound of a mighty wind, tongues of fire were seen on each person present.  Then one more proof that these men and women were filled with the Holy Spirit of God. (NASB) Acts 2:4 “And they were all […]

Day of Pentecost ~ Authentic & Authoritative

Day of Pentecost   One hundred twenty men and women gathered together in one house, waiting prayerfully on God.  (Acts 2:1)   Suddenly – the sound of a violent tempest blast of wind was heard by everyone present, indeed it filled the house.  (Acts 2:2)   Then those men and women saw tongues of fire […]

Day of Pentecost ~ Filled with the Holy Spirit

  One hundred twenty men and women were gathered in one house to pray as they waited for God to work.   Suddenly, they heard a noise, a noise that was in the whole house where they were.  That noise was like a violent, rushing wind yet they did not feel any wind…they only heard […]

The Day of Pentecost ~ Tongues of Fire

  Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He told His apostles that they would “receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you…” (Acts 1:8)  They were not told when this would happen or how it would happen.  So they met together with other believers (120 men and women) and waited, and while they were […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on John 14:16-17   Jesus You asked Your Father to give all who receive You as their Savior a Helper, a Counselor, to be with us forever and ever and ever.  That Helper/Counselor is God the Holy Spirit.  He is the Spirit of truth.  You have told us […]

Day of Pentecost ~ the Sound of Wind

  Dr. Luke wrote the book of The Acts of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the apostles.  He was careful to interview those that had been in that house on that day when God gave His Holy Spirit.  (Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1)   One hundred twenty men and women were present (Acts 1:15).   […]

Day of Pentecost ~ Waiting on God

(NASB) Acts 2:1 “WHEN THE day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.”    God’s promised day arrived…it came as another dawn lightened the sky and flowed into full day.   Again the believers in Christ and His resurrection, ascension and promise had come together in one place.    Did they […]