All Devotions

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on Romans 12:1   Lord God of the Bible, Saul’s life was radically changed when You intercepted him on his way to Damascus.    As a result of You as my Savior, as a result of Your mercies, I give to You my life as a living sacrifice.  […]

Saul’s Intentions

  Saul was a young Jewish man.  He was a very devout, religious Pharisee.    He went on a mission: threatening murder against the disciples (followers) of Jesus Christ.  He did not do this on his own authority.  He went to the high priest and requested legal letters of authority to stamp out this upstart […]

The Road to Gaza

  Philip obeyed the Lord; he went south of Jerusalem on a desert road leading to Gaza. There he saw a chariot with a man from Ethiopia reading aloud.  What was he reading?  He was reading the prophet Isaiah and he did not understand the meaning of those words.  Philip heard him and asked him […]

Sincerely Seeking God

  How do you sincerely seek God?  There are really only several ways…prayer and reading/studying His word, the Holy Bible.  Followers of Christ are a good resource also.   An Ethiopian eunuch was in a chariot leaving Jerusalem on a desert road to Gaza. (Acts 8:27-30)   This important man was sincerely seeking God and […]

Simple, Logical Question

  Philip, a man who was known for his good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom – he was a man who waited tables in Jerusalem.  (Acts 6:3)   Stephen (one of those same men who waited tables with the same qualifications) had been stoned to death.  After that great persecution broke […]

“…he got up and went.”

  How responsive are you to God’s leading?  Do you drag your feet, put off doing what you know you should do?    Philip had been a waiter in Jerusalem.  A man chosen to do that job because he had a good reputation, he was filled with the Holy Spirit of God and also filled […]

From village to village

  The apostles in Jerusalem heard reports of Philip’s work in Samaria.  They sent Peter and John to the Samaritan city where Philip was preaching and proclaiming Christ to the Samaritans.  Philip also healed many and delivered many from unclean spirits.  Many believed and rejoiced.    Peter and John prayed for the new believers to receive […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on Amplified Bible Acts 4:12   Thank You Father for Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  To You belong praise, worship and adoration – for You send Your Holy Spirit into each person who receives Jesus as Savior and Lord.   There is salvation (in and through) no […]

Simon the Magician Showman

  Magic arts and magic acts astonish the crowd today.  How do they do that?  Have you noticed magicians rarely reveal the how of their magic acts?  People are captivated by a good magician.  Simon was such a magician.  He had astounded the people of Samaria for a long time.  In fact, Simon had top […]

Do Not Stop…Rejoicing!

  Philip waited on tables with Stephen and five other godly men.  Stephen was stoned to death, the first martyr because of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  After Stephen was killed there was a great persecution headed up by Saul in Jerusalem.  Many followers of Christ fled to other areas of Judea and north […]