All Devotions

Saul: a Changed Life

  Saul was converted on the road to Damascus to follow Jesus Christ by faith.  While he was in Damascus, “he had spoken out boldly in the name of Jesus.”  (Acts 9:27)    Then Saul returned to Jerusalem after some days.  He was suspect, the followers of Christ were afraid of him…for he had been […]

Barnabas Believed Saul

  Saul had escaped death in Damascus then tried to join the disciples (followers of Jesus Christ) in Jerusalem.  They were afraid of him; they did not believe that he really had become a follower of Christ.  (Acts 9:26)  Why should they believe him?    Consider Saul’s past actions: Saul stood by and agreed to the […]

Saul’s past affected his future

  Saul: dramatic scene as the risen Lord Jesus met him on a Damascus road.   Saul: dynamic in proclaiming Jesus was the Son of God.   Saul: determined to escape the threat of death from his former colleagues.   Saul: Damascus back to Jerusalem, a changed man.    How was Saul greeted and accepted […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on Acts 4:12     Lord Jesus, You are the Son of God.  You gave Your life for me…thank You.  You sacrificially lived and died for me.  When You died on the cross, You took all of my sins as if they were Yours…thank You.    Oh, God […]


   For many days, Saul taught in the Damascus synagogues of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  Saul’s conversion included believing that Jesus was indeed risen from the grave and that He was the Son of God.  (By the way, Jesus is still alive today, physically in heaven and He will come […]

Saul: Dynamic Leader & a Target

  Saul used Scripture and his experience of Jesus meeting him on the road to Damascus to prove that Jesus “fit” all the prophecies of Messiah.  Saul had the personal experience of meeting the risen Savior, Jesus. (Acts 9:1-6)    What is your personal experience of knowing that Jesus is the Son of God?  Have […]

Who Are You Choosing to Follow?

    The hunter became the hunted.  Saul had set out to destroy anyone who was a follower of Christ in Damascus.  But, just outside of Damascus, Saul had been confronted by the Lord Jesus…had been blinded…then had regained his sight after three days all through the acts of the Lord Jesus Christ.  (Acts 9:1-19)   […]

Proving Jesus is Messiah (the Christ)

  Mashiach (Messiah) is the Jewish word for “The Anointed One of God” and Khristos (Christ) is the Greek word for Messiah.   Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus was dramatic and it certainly got his attention.  Jesus Christ suddenly encountered him on that road and spoke to him.  Saul was blinded for three […]

Proclaiming Jesus

  The Lord Jesus Christ showed Himself and spoke to Saul.  Saul had been on the road to Damascus to arrest the followers of Christ and take them back to Jerusalem for trial.  But after that encounter, blind Saul fasted for three days and then his sight was restored by Ananias (a follower of Jesus […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on 2 Timothy 3:16-17   You are the living Word, most Holy God of the Bible.  All of Your words in the Bible are inspired by You.  All of Your words are profitable for teaching – ‘Oh Lord, that I would be teachable under You the Master Teacher’.  […]