All Devotions

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on Psalm 119:89, 105; John 1:1   Lord God of the Holy Bible…You say that Your word is eternal…Your word stands firm, it is settled. Thank You that I can base my life on Your word.  Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for […]

God’s Timely Intervention

James, one of the disciples of Jesus, was killed by the sword at the orders of Herod Agrippa I.  Herod found that this pleased the Jewish leaders and he had Peter arrested. Peter was not only imprisoned and chained between two soldiers…and there were two more soldiers outside the door of the prison on high […]

Prayer Greater Than Men’s Intentions

Barnabas and Saul were on their way to Jerusalem…with monies collected for the believers because of a famine.  (Acts 11:27-30)  What was happening in Jerusalem about that time? (NASB) Acts 12:1 “NOW ABOUT that time Herod the king laid hands on some who belonged to the church in order to mistreat them.” Herod Agrippa used […]

Families Histories

What does the history of your family reveal about faith in the living God of the Bible? Perhaps the Lord God has been ignored, or not been believed in, by your ancestors. Belief in the Lord Jesus Christ can change your life and your history going forward. By Rome’s permission one family, the Herod’s, ruled […]

Giving Aid…

The Lord God sent His workers into the harvest fields of Antioch…to preach and teach of God at work through the Lord Jesus Christ. He also sent some prophets to Antioch from Jerusalem…to warn of a great famine that would not only occur locally, but “all over the world.”  (Acts 10:27) Agabus was one of […]

Sent ~ Went

Barnabas was sent from Jerusalem to Antioch.  The church leaders (in Jerusalem) wanted more information about what was happening in Antioch.  Was it true that many Gentiles were becoming believers in the Lord Jesus Christ?  (Acts 11:22) Barnabas was sent from Jerusalem to Antioch What do leaders do? Available to be sent to areas that […]

Pointed Questions

The church leaders in Jerusalem heard that the Lord was working in Antioch, Turkey.  They chose a trusted man to go and check it out…they sent Barnabas. Question: Where is the Lord sending you? (NASB) Acts 11:23 “Then when he arrived and witnessed the grace of God, he rejoiced and began to encourage them all […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on John 15:26 Father, God of our Lord Jesus Christ…You send Your Holy Spirit to live within everyone who recognizes their need of Jesus as their Savior.  Thank You! Lord Jesus, Son of God, You promised the Holy Spirit as our Counselor, Whom You sent from the Father.  […]

Barnabas sent to Antioch

Gentiles (anyone who is not Jewish) and Jews were hearing the Good News of Jesus Christ in Antioch (in Turkey).  Men and women became followers of Christ Jesus by believing in Him as Messiah and as Savior. Meanwhile back in Jerusalem…the believers heard of what was happening in Antioch.  Remember, there were no cell phones, […]

Jerusalem ~ Antioch

People do what is most comfortable to them…Jewish believers knew of synagogue worship and they had the desire to tell their Jewish friends and relatives of the Good News of Jesus Christ…Jesus was crucified, dead, buried and resurrected…He came to save people from their sins and that continues to be the Good News believers share. […]