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Salvation = Jesus Christ

  Paul and Barnabas were commanded by the Lord to take the message of salvation through Messiah to the Gentiles.  (Acts 13:47) Messiah = salvation Jesus = Savior Jesus is the Savior Who died on the cross – He is our substitution. He took the punishment we deserve for our sins.  God accepted His perfect […]

At a Crossroad

  Paul and Barnabas were in Pisidian Antioch, Turkey.  The Jewish synagogue was the place where large crowds gathered on the Sabbath.  They had heard Paul the week before and wanted to hear more…he had spoken of the living, resurrected Jesus Christ.  Paul said that everyone who believes in Jesus is forgiven of their sins, […]

The grace of God

 Paul’s sermon to the Jewish congregation in the synagogue at Pisidian Antioch, Turkey was a success.  He had brought his listener’s along with him by reminding them of their history as God’s people.  He led them in their thinking to the Lord Jesus Christ, to the resurrection of Jesus by God’s power. (NIV) Acts 13:38 […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on Isaiah 45:22-24 Father, You sent Your Son Jesus Christ, so I could have salvation from Your wrath.  My sins deserve punishment before You the holy God.  Thank You for Your salvation through Jesus.  Thank You that Jesus paid the penalty for my sins. You plead with me, […]

Good News of Promise

  Paul was speaking to the Jewish congregation in the synagogue in Pisidian Antioch, Turkey. (NIV) Acts 13:32 “We tell you the good news: What God promised our fathers 33he has fulfilled for us, their children, by raising up Jesus.  As it is written in the second Psalm: ‘You are my Son; today I have […]

Prophecies of Messiah ~ Fulfilled by Jesus

  Paul spoke in a synagogue to a Jewish congregation at Pisidian Antioch, Turkey. Presented the Good News: (ESV) Acts 13:26 “Brothers, sons of the family of Abraham, and those among you who fear God, to us has been sent the message of this salvation.”    What a privilege for the Jewish people.  They received […]

Israel’s History leads to Messiah

  Paul was speaking to a Jewish congregation in Pisidian Antioch, Turkey. He spoke of the enslavement in Egypt and how God led them out as a nation in the exodus.  (Acts 13:17) Paul spoke of the exasperation of God for these same people, leading them through the wilderness for forty years. (Acts 13:18) Paul […]

Fear God with Reverent Awe

 Paul was invited to give “any word of exhortation” to a Jewish congregation in Pisidian Antioch, Turkey. (Amplified Bible) Acts 13:16 “So Paul arose, and motioning with his hand said, Men of Israel and you who reverence and fear God, listen!”   To whom are you listening?  God’s word, the Holy Bible is God speaking […]

Open Invitation ~ an Opportunity

Paul and Barnabas traveled from the seaport town of Perga, going inland to Pisidian Antioch. These two Jewish men went into the synagogue and sat down, unobtrusively, quietly. Their presence would have been noticed, they were strangers…yet they would have appeared at ease, being comfortable in the Sabbath service.  (Acts 13:14) (NASB) Acts 13:16 “After […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on Job 19:25-27   Hallelujah!  I know that my Redeemer is alive!  At the end of the Tribulation He will physically stand on this earth! After I die, I will see God in my physical body!  I, myself, will see Him!  With my own eyes I will look […]