All Devotions

Responding to the Lord’s leading

  Paul, Silas, Timothy and Luke had a travel itinerary…from the seaport town of Troas they sailed a straight course for the island of Samothrace.  The next day they sailed to Neapolis and then they walked inland to a leading town in the district of Macedonia, Philippi.  (Acts 16:11-12) These men had responded to the […]

Conclusions of God’s Leading

Paul had seen a vision after he, Silas and Timothy had reached Troas, a seaport town.  In the vision a man had stood and pleaded, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” (NASB) Acts 16:10 “When he (Paul) had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on Psalm 32:1-2 Your word, God of the Holy Bible, tells me that blessed is the person whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.  You have done this through Your Son, the Lord Jesus…my faith is in what Jesus has done for me when He died on […]

Trusting God for the next step…

The living God of the Bible is not limited in how He lets us know His will for the next step. Paul, Silas and Timothy had been stopped from going into Asia, not once but twice, by the Spirit of Jesus.  (Acts 16:6-7) Then the Lord gave Paul direction through a vision at night: (NASB) […]

Red Lights – Green Lights

 Paul, Silas and Timothy were on the second missionary journey, strengthening the existing churches established on the first missionary journey. Then they were going into new areas to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Now you would think that God would want them to do just that, wherever they decided would be a logical […]

Important Work…

Important work…of strengthening others. Important work…of enduring your circumstances. Important work…of building up others in their faith. Who were the three men traveling together, passing through cities, visiting the existing churches and delivering the news from Jerusalem?  Paul, Silas and Timothy. Included with the letter was the fact that Gentiles did not need to be […]

Timothy’s circumcision

  Who was Timothy?  He was a young man who believed in Jesus Christ as his Savior.  His mother was Jewish and a believer.  His father was a Gentile.  (Acts 16:1) Timothy had a great reputation among believers in Derbe and Lystra.  His reputation extended to the town of Iconium.  (Acts 16:2) Paul was impressed […]

Forgetting and Pressing On…

  Paul and Barnabas had traveled together for two years.  Paul suggested to Barnabas…it was time to return to the different churches that had been established during the first missionary journey.  He was interested in seeing how the new believers were doing. (Acts 15:36) Barnabas said “yes” and he would like to include John Mark.  […]

Caring & concern for your church family…

(NASB) Acts 15:36 “After some days Paul said to Barnabas, ‘Let us return and visit the brethren in every city in which we proclaimed the word of the Lord, and see how they are doing.’” Paul was concerned about the new believer’s in Christ Jesus in every city where they had proclaimed Christ.  That covered […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18  Lord, Your word tells me to “Rejoice always.”  Even when I don’t “feel” like rejoicing, You tell me to rejoice.  Would You help me do that today? You also tell me to pray without ceasing.  I forget to pray at times…I need Your help […]