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Jesus ~ is worthy of your worship

[The names and character of Jesus was taken from Hebrews 1:2-12.] Jesus ~ reveals God the Father to you through His life (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). Jesus ~ appointed Heir; Creator; the radiance of God’s glory; the very image of God’s nature and character; upholds all things by the word of His power. Jesus […]

Jesus ~ Eternal God

  What if…your life is suddenly turned up-side down and inside out?  Upon what is your hope based?  If it is based on your strengths or on your abilities…is that enough?  If it is based on your ideologies, is that enough?  If your hope is based on other people or on your countries leadership, is […]

Jesus ~ the coming reigning King

  What do you believe about angels?  We can learn some things about angels as we read and study the book of Hebrews. Did you know that God created the angels? Did you know that God made them His messengers – to do His bidding? Did you know that God created angels for His purpose? […]

Jesus ~ a more excellent name

To whom do you turn when you are troubled, fearful, just plain scared or depressed?  Some people turn to drugs and alcohol, some to manipulating others or “running over” them by bullying.  Where do you find security, peace and protection?  Turn to Jesus; call out in prayer by faith in Him and His excellent name. […]

Prayer of the Week

The prayer of the week is based on John 1:1-2  In the beginning – at creation…was the Word.  The Word was with You, Lord God.  The Word was God…and that is hard to understand, it is hard to comprehend. Jesus, the Word, was in the beginning with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.  […]

Jesus ~ seated at the right hand of God

  Jesus came as a baby, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin – all according to prophetic Scriptures. Jesus came to be the ultimate sacrifice in order to cleanse us from our sins.  Only blood of a perfect sacrifice is acceptable to God…Jesus, the perfect Lamb of God, came to take away […]

Jesus ~ has provided purification for sins

Jesus ~ He made Himself the perfect, sinless, offering for you and me. He accomplished and completed this holy offering.  Because He did this, all of those who believe in Him are cleaned up and forgiven of our sins.  Those things we do, or not do, are forgiven when we confess our sins to God […]

Jesus ~ by the word of His power

Jesus ~ “Son of God”, “Heir of all things,” “through Him the world was made.” Jesus ~ “…the radiance of His glory”, “the exact representation of His nature.” Jesus ~ “upholds all things by the word of His power.” Jesus ~ His power upholds all things by His word…alone. Jesus ~ His power is beyond our […]

Jesus ~ the exact representation…

  Who is Jesus?  The writer of Hebrews begins a letter explaining Who Jesus is! (NASB) Hebrews 1:2 [God] “in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.”   God’s Son, appointed heir of all things, Creator – this […]

Jesus — the radiance of His glory

The writer of the book of Hebrews described Jesus’ many faceted characteristics. Jesus Christ is!  He is the Son of God!  He is the Heir of all things!  He is the Creator!  (Paraphrase of Hebrews 1:2) (NASB) Hebrews 1:3 “And He is the radiance of His glory…” How is the radiance of Jesus Christ’s glory […]