All Devotions

Let Love ~ Continue

  For love to continue to be lived out in your life and mine, what do we need to do? Love is a choice ~ choose to love. Love is patient ~ choose to be kind to others – that is living sacrificially. Love is not jealous ~ of others – who they are or […]

Continuously love ~

(NASB) Hebrews 13:1 “LET LOVE of the brethren continue.” What?  No conditional “if?” If they love me, if they are nice to me, if…if…if. The living God does not give us an “out.”  No conditions are put on whether we love our fellow believers.  We are to give continuous love.  No matter how we feel […]

God’s Unshakeable Kingdom

  God’s words and actions are provable and verifiable.  Prophecies of Messiah in the Old Testament were fulfilled by Jesus when He was on earth. God’s words have been fulfilled in the past and they will continue to be fulfilled in the future. Consider this fact which is a promise, a warning and a prophecy. […]

What is “forever?”

Have you ever thought about the word “forever” and what it means for you? A dictionary definition for “forever”: 1. For everlasting time; eternally.  2. At all times; incessantly. Eternally, incessantly…what does the living God of the Holy Bible say about Himself and eternity? God’s salvation and God’s righteousness are forever (NASB) Isaiah 51:6 “Lift up […]

A day is coming…

Have you noticed the clouds, the trees, the grass and flowers? The living God of the Bible guarantees that all will disappear at some point in time.  And He immediately follows with a promise of His salvation and His righteousness. (NASB) Isaiah 51:6 “Lift up your eyes to the sky, Then look to the earth […]

Remember: God is the Sovereign Creator

At Mount Sinai In the days of Moses – the Israelites had left slavery in Egypt.  They were led by God to a mountain in the wilderness.  At that place, God revealed His awesome power and holiness to them. (NASB) Exodus 19:18-20 “Now Mount Sinai was all in smoke because the Lord descended upon it […]

If we refuse God – there is no escape

  How can this be said without sounding unloving?  Love speaks truth.  Love warns.  Love is not always “warm and fuzzy.”  Love is greatly concerned for eternal outcomes in lives of people like you. There is no escaping just punishment for our sins.  Either we are justly punished for the wrong things we do and […]

“Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening.”

  Can you imagine?  Can you imagine that the living God is speaking to you, this moment?  Whenever the Holy Bible is read, whenever we “listen” as we read His word…God is speaking to you and to me. The Lord God speaks through His word – the Holy Bible. Listen carefully. Respond by doing what […]

The sprinkled blood of Jesus

(NASB) Hebrews 12:24 “…the sprinkled blood, which speaks better than the blood of Abel.” The blood of Abel compared to the blood of Jesus: Abel was a son of Adam and Eve; his brother Cain killed him.  God confronted Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?”  Cain of course, knew he had killed his brother.  What […]

Jesus ~ Mediator

Of what is Jesus a Mediator? (NASB) Hebrews 12:24 “…Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant…” What does Jesus do as a Mediator? (NASB) 1 Timothy 2:5 “For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” Promise of the new covenant through the prophet Jeremiah (NASB) Jeremiah […]