Micah was a prophet of God.  He knew his God.  Do you know your God?  The God of the Holy Bible?
Who: Micah
What: The word of the LORD came to Micah (that is what a “prophet” means, a prophet speaks God’s words)
When: Micah prophesied during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah – all were kings in Judah.  
Where: Micah prophesied to the nation of Judah, the southern kingdom and Samaria, the northern kingdom.
Why:  Because God called him to speak to His people in Judah concerning Samaria and Jerusalem.
How: He spoke to God’s people, God’s message – he was speaking to a rebellious people.
  All of the above is from Micah 1:1.  God’s word packs a lot of information into a small verse. 

Read God’s word carefully, He has much to say to you and me.

The people were in rebellion against God.  He would judge them.  Do we think we are better than those people?  I don’t think we are.  

  Micah told the people that Jerusalem would become a heap of ruins and the temple would be involved.  Micah 3:12

  Micah told the people the dire judgments they  would experience – and they did experience those very judgments.

  Micah had exciting news to share – Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.  Has this happened yet?  It hadn’t then ~ but it has now! 
We call it Christmas!

  This Messiah would become ruler in Israel.  Has that happened yet?  No, but it will. Micah 5:2

  Micah also told us of God’s compassion.  He told where believers confessed sins would be thrown.  Into the depths of the sea.  Micah 7:19

God’s Word ~ Alive!
Micah 7:19
“He (God) will again have compassion on us;
He will tread our iniquities under foot.
Yes, You will cast all their sins
Into the depths of the sea.”

Prophecy will happen!  For God’s purpose and In God’s timing.