King David died and his son, Solomon was king.  David’s last words to Solomon were to secure the kingdom of Israel from enemies within and those enemies without the kingdom of Israel.

  Solomon did secure the kingdom – over time.  He wisely waited to secure his kingdom against  those who would desire to be king.  1 Kings 2:1-46

  When the time comes for you to pass the torch onto another, how will you advise them to secure the responsibility as theirs? 
Why is there a need to “secure the kingdom”?  So peace within the organization or kingdom will be a reality.
  Enemies need to be warned, judged and in the case of Solomon, executed.

  When Christ Jesus comes as conquering King, He will judge His enemies so His kingdom will establish the reality of peace.
  My friend, reading this devotional, may you be a part of Jesus’ coming kingdom.

God’s Word ~ Alive!
Revelation 19:11
“And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and
He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and 
in righteousness He judges and wages war.”

The Lord Jesus will guarantee His kingdom for the reality of peace.
The Lord Jesus will come back to earth as King.
This is a fact!
Will you be a part of Jesus’ kingdom?