In the days of the judges in Israel, there were no kings at that time, a story from that far off time is one of tenaciousness and clinging to God.

  There was a famine in Israel.  A man, Elimalech, took his family to Moab, enemy territory.  Naomi was his wife.  They had two sons.  While they lived in Moab the two sons married.  One married Orpah and the other son married Ruth.  Naomi became a widow.  About ten years later, after Elimalech died, the two sons died, neither had any children.  Ruth 1:1-5

  Naomi heard that food was in Israel.  She decided to return to her country, her relatives.  She began her journey, and both daughters-in-law decided to go with her.  Naomi encouraged them to stay in their own country, to marry and have families.
  She kissed the two younger women, with tears flowing.  She loved these two women.

Both the younger women argued with Naomi to go with her.  Orpah decided to stay in Moab.  Ruth clung to Naomi.  Naomi tried to convince her to stay in Moab and worship the gods of Moab.   Ruth 1:6-14

  Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you;  for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge.  Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.  Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried.  Thus may the LORD do to me, and worse, if anything but death parts you and me.”  Ruth 1:16-17
  That is tenacious commitment!  Ruth made a commitment with clinging love for Naomi and God.
  Naomi said no more about Ruth remaining behind, and the two traveled to Bethlehem in Israel.  Ruth 1:19

God’s Word ~ Alive!
Psalm 63:8
“My soul (mind, emotion, will) clings to You;
Your right hand upholds me.”

Shouldn’t we be like Ruth,
tenaciously committed to the LORD?
 Clinging with love to the LORD?