Joshua was the God-given leader to follow Moses.  When Moses was no longer available as the leader, God had someone waiting for the position of leadership.

Moses was an outstanding, successful leader, not many people would want to follow as the next leader.  But God chose Joshua.  God told Joshua what to do, take the people across the Jordan River into the Promised Land, now.  Wherever the sons of Israel go,  I will give that land to them. Joshua 1:1-3

  Joshua was encouraged by God “Be strong and courageous, for you shall give this people possession of the land which I swore to their father to give them.” 
Joshua 1:6

  Joshua was warned by God to do according to the law which Moses commanded the sons of Israel to do.

  When you are “tagged” to follow a successful leader, take heart and listen to God’s admonition: “Be strong and courageous…”  God chooses you to do your part as a leader, then do it!  Joshua was told he would have success wherever he went.
  When God is involved, you will be successful! 

God’s Word ~ Alive!
|Joshua 1:8-9
“This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth,
but you shall meditate on it day and night,
so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in  it;
for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.
‘Have I not commanded you?  
Be strong and courageous.
Do not tremble or be dismayed,
for the LORD your God is with you
wherever you go.’”

  Keep reading God’s word 
following His directions!