Consider the multitude of people whom the LORD was leading to the Promised Land by Moses, His servant.  What about those two million people?  They were complaining and grumbling against Moses and Aaron, AGAIN.
  What were their complaints this time?  Water, we need water.

  Moses & Aaron fell on their faces in prayer.  The LORD spoke to Moses, take your rod and speak to the rock for all the congregation to see.  It will yield water for all  the people and their animals.  Numbers 20:1-9

  Moses took the rod, just as the LORD commanded him.  The two leaders gathered the people and Moses said, “Now, you rebels!  Shall we bring water from the rock for you?
  Moses lifted his hand and struck the rock – two times with the rod.  Water abundantly flowed from the rock, the people and the beasts drank.

  Moses reached his limit with the people’s endless complaining.  Moses paid the price of disobedience to the LORD.  Because he did not speak to the rock, he struck the rock for water.  His punishment?  He would not be able to enter the Promised Land.  A harsh sentence, Moses had led these people for 40 years in the wilderness.  He was a servant of the LORD.  

  Moses didn’t honor God as holy in view of the people.  God proved Himself holy, by supplying the needed water in spite of Moses’ disobedience.
  Moses reached his boiling point and when he did, he paid a price.  

The LORD treats all His people with justice and righteousness.  Moses was His servant and chosen leader… but Moses took away the honor and glory of God when Moses struck the rock instead of speaking to it, as God told him.

God’s Word ~ Alive!
Proverbs 14:29
“He who is slow to anger has great understanding,
But he who is quick-tempered exalts folly.”

When you reach your limit – – – 
How do you react?
Are you slow to anger?
OR are you quick-tempered?
Only you can answer that.