In the Old Testament the high priest offered a sin offering for the people.  This was after he offered a sin offering for himself.  Leviticus 16:6, 11-14

  The sin offering for the people were two goats counted as one offering.  One goat was chosen to be killed.  The goat’s blood was taken by the high priest into the holy of holies, where the ark of the covenant was, behind a beautiful veil dividing the holy of holies from the holy place.  These were two rooms in the tabernacle and later the temple.  The blood of the goat was sprinkled in the holy of holies, the blood was also applied to the horns of the bronze altar – this was a purification of the tabernacle and the altar “from the uncleanness of the children of Israel.”  Leviticus 16:19

  Then the high priest put both of his hands on the head of the live goat, confessing the sins of the people of Israel.  The goat was led out of camp and released in the wilderness, never to be seen again.  This goat was called the Scapegoat or escape-goat.  It escaped death and escaped into the wilderness.  The sins of the people were carried away, never to be seen again.

  So many times, I should say, too many times, we confess our sins and confess those same sins over and over, not really believing we are forgiven.  We have a great God, Who forgives!  Those confessed sins are never seen again.  We are to let go of them.

  One goat was sacrificed, there must be a blood sacrifice for forgiveness of sins. Hebrews 9:22  

  The other goat was “lost” in the wilderness, the sins of the people were carried away, never to be seen again.  When we confess our sins to God, in the name of Jesus, our sins are banished also, never to be seen again.  God, from that moment of confessing our sins, forgets we ever sinned!  We need to keep a short list of sins, don’t we?

God’s Word ~ Alive!
Hebrews 9:22
“And according to the Law, one may almost say,
all things are cleansed with blood,
and without shedding of blood
there is no forgiveness.”

Jesus Christ is the only Sacrifice 
we need to be forgiven of our sins.
Is He your Savior?