When you read anywhere in the Bible, do you look for Jesus?
The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation is all about Jesus!

Did you know?  The LORD God made “pictures” of Jesus throughout the Bible, Who He is, what He came to do, and when He is returning to this earth.

  In the book of Exodus, the LORD was introducing Himself to His people.  He gave them visuals to better understand when Jesus came to this earth, thousands of years later.

  Did you know?  Moses was given the pattern for the tabernacle, a tent made for the worship of the LORD.  The tabernacle was easily transported at a moment’s notice.  Its furniture was made in such a way that each piece could be carried by two men.  Long poles extended from the body of the piece of furniture.  The following were transported with the long poles: the Ark of the Covenant, the mercy seat covering the Ark; the lampstand, the altar of Incense, the table for the shewbread, the bronze altar (for the sacrificial offerings of animals).  Exodus 25:10-40;
Exodus 27:1-8; Exodus 30:1-10

  Each of these pieces of furniture were a “picture” of what Jesus would do, when He was on this earth.

  Did you know?  Jesus died for you?  When Jesus died on a cross, He made purification for your sins and mine.  His sacrifice was accepted by God.  Did you know that God the Father accepted Jesus’ death on your behalf?  How do we know this?  Jesus was resurrected from the grave and 40 days later ascended into heaven, to sit at the LORD God’s right hand.  

  This was all pictured in the furniture and the tabernacle in the wilderness and later in the temple built in Jerusalem.

  Jesus came to save you and me from our sins.  He did it on the cross.  Where you and I deserve to be for our sins are against God, Himself.  Did you know you are loved?  Loved by the living God?

God’s Word ~ Alive!
Romans 5:8
“But God demonstrated 
His own love toward us, 
in that while we were yet sinners, 
Christ died for us.”
Did you know?  Jesus died for you?