Moses was called to the top of Mount Sinai and took Joshua with him.  Exodus 24:13
The people at the foot of the mountain saw the glory of the LORD resting on Mt. Sinai.
  Moses waited six days, then the seventh day the LORD called Moses into the midst of the cloud. 
Exodus 24:16

  What did Moses do for those six days while he waited?  We are not told in Scripture.
What would you do in such circumstances, knowing God called you for that time?
  If you wanted to be pious, you might say, I would be praying.  Do you do that now?  
  If you wanted to be practical, you might say, I would build a shelter and a fire to keep warm at night, and possibly to cook food.  But Moses was fasting.  So forget about cooking.

 Wait – – – waiting on God … for His timing and His leading.  I know one woman who would wait on the LORD before she would take the next step.  I am still learning that lesson… to wait on God.  

  From the perspective of the people at the base of the mountain, it looked like a consuming fire (which was the glory of the LORD).  Exodus 24:17
  Moses entered the midst of the cloud.  He was there 40 days and 40 nights.  Exodus 24:18

God’s Word ~ Alive!
Isaiah 40:31
“Yet those who wait for the LORD
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary,”

As we go into the tomorrows,
Let us take God at His word,
And wait on the LORD.