How many times have you seen and talked about that word, Passover, but really did not think about what the word means?  It means pass over.  God passed over those who had blood applied on the doorposts and lintels of their homes in Egypt, in the time of Moses and Aaron and a hard-hearted Pharaoh.  It means God did not kill the firstborn males in that household.  

  Any door which did not have blood of a sacrificial lamb on their doorposts or lintels;  the angel of death did NOT pass over that home.  From the throne of Pharaoh to the lowest servant, the firstborn male of that house died.  That night.  That one night!

  Anguish rose from every home which did not have a sacrificial lamb’s blood applied to its front doorposts and lintel.  A first born son was mourned.  Exodus 12:21-23

  There were god-given requirements for the lamb which was to be sacrificed that night.

It must be unblemished, a year old, killed at twilight on the 14th day of the 1st month.
Its blood was to be brushed on the doorposts and lintel of every house in which the lamb’s meat would be eaten that night, with no leftovers.  The people were to eat it in a hurry, ready to travel with sandals on and staff in hand.  It is the LORD’S Passover. 
Exodus 12:5-11

   Hundreds of years later, Jesus would be called the Lamb of God.  He would give His life as a sacrifice on a cross.  John 1:29 “Behold, the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world!”
  All the sacrifices in the Old Testament point to Jesus in some way.  The Passover is one such an example.

  The LORD would go through the land of Egypt that one night, and kill all firstborn sons of anyone whose door was not brushed with a sacrificial lamb’s blood.  
  This happened on the 14th day of the first month of the Hebrew calendar.  The LORD determined the calendar for the Hebrews.  Exodus 12:12-22

  God gave further instructions for celebrating Passover in the coming years.  Passover is a memorial to the Hebrews being delivered from slavery.   When the people heard, they bowed low and worshiped.   Exodus 12:23-28  

  At the stroke of midnight, the angel of death, sent from God, went through all the land of Egypt striking dead the firstborn sons of all those who did not put a sacrificial lamb’s blood on their doorposts.  Exodus 12:29

  Pharaoh and all Egypt got up in the middle of the night and mourned, crying out because of the death of their firstborn sons.  Exodus 12:30

  Pharaoh called for Moses, get out! Take all your families and animals and leave Egypt.  Go and worship your God.  And bless me also.  The Egyptians urged the slaves to leave, giving them gold, silver, and clothing.  Exodus 12:31-33

  The Hebrews left immediately with unleavened bread in their kneading bowls.  The Hebrews took clothing given to them and left Egypt.  Exodus 12:34-36

God’s Word ~ Alive!

John 19:23-30
Jesus died on the cross,
He was crucified at the time
of the evening sacrifice of lambs.
The Lord Jesus accomplished for what
He was sent to earth to do.

John 1:29
“Behold, the Lamb of God,
which takes away the sin of the world!”
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, 
that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him,
shall not perish,
but have eternal life.”