The LORD God was talking to Job, “And I will ask you, and you instruct Me!”

  Uh-oh… Job you better watch it.  How humiliating for Job, Omniscient God (the All knowing God) to make such a statement.

  Job, were you there when God created the earth?  Were you there when the morning stars sang together?  Were you there when all the sons of God shouted for joy, were you there, Job? 
Job 38:4-7 paraphrased

  Were you there, Job, when I gave boundaries to the seas and limited how far they would go on shore, were you there?  Job 38:8-11 paraphrased
  Were you ever in your life commanding the morning?   Job 38:12-15 paraphrased
  Have you ever walked the floors of the oceans?  Have you seen the gates of darkness?
Job 38:16-18 paraphrased

  More and more questions about what was created by God Himself.  Job 38:19-33  
Who gives wisdom or understanding?  Who, Job? 
Job 38:34-41 paraphrased

  God asked many questions of Job – can you?, were you?, where?, who?, and to all of them Job would need to say “no, I was not there.”  Only the Creator God could answer those questions with a resounding Yes!
  Jesus, at a point in His ministry, it is said of Him, “And all who heard Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers.  Luke 2:47

  If we are honest, we too will be amazed at God’s understanding and His answers.

God’s Word ~ Alive!

  Luke 2:47
“And all who heard Him (Jesus) were amazed at
His understanding and His answers.”
Are you amazed by the living God?