Noah must have kept a diary of some kind… he recorded days and months.  He recorded the day and the month the rains began.  He recorded when the ark settled upon the mountains of Ararat.  He recorded when the waters decreased.  He even recorded when the tops of the mountains became visible.  All life on earth died.  Only those within the ark were saved.  Genesis 7:6-24  The waters prevailed on the earth for 150 days.  That’s 5 months of water.

  At the end of 40 days, Noah opened the window of the ark and sent out a raven.  It returned to the ark until the water dried up from the earth.   God remembered Noah, his family and all the animals in the ark.  God caused a wind to blow over the earth and the waters subsided.  Genesis 8:1-7

  After the raven was sent out, Noah sent out a dove.  It returned each evening, because there was still water on the face of the earth.  Noah counted the days, he waited seven more days and sent out the dove again.  When the dove returned it had an olive leaf in its beak.  Noah knew the waters were gone over the face of the ground.  Noah waited another seven days, sending out the dove again, she did not return to the ark. Genesis 8:8-12

  When the earth was really dry, Noah wrote down the day and the month.  It was then God said to Noah, it’s safe for you, your family and animals to go out of the ark.  Noah kept note of the days and months and he also waited on God’s go-ahead.  

  How many times do you push just a little bit, because you are tired of the waiting on  God?  I have done that, and it does not end well.  Just think if Noah hadn’t waited on God’s go-ahead… his family and the animals could have ended up in deep mud!  

  God’s Word ~ Alive!
By faith, wait on God’s go-ahead.

Galatians 5:5 
“For we through the Spirit, 
by faith,
are waiting for the hope of righteousness.”