Many times individuals who cause trouble are noticed more so than those who do not “make waves”.
One name in the lineage of Judah is so noted. Achar or Achan, caused trouble for all of Israel, way back in their history. All the way back to when Joshua led them into the Promised Land.
Joshua 7:1-26
What did he do? He was greedy, covetous. God told the people not to personally take anything from the city of Jericho, God claimed all of the plunder. Israel’s victory over Jericho was complete.
Achar stole and deceived people to keep that which he personally took from the fallen city.
After that initial victory, a small army of Israelites went against their enemies and this time they were shamed because they had to run away.
Joshua, in great anguish, prayed to God – what happened? God’s answer? “You cannot stand before your enemies until you have removed the things under the ban from your midst.” Joshua 7:13
Are you experiencing troubles? Do you need to evaluate – ‘Is God expecting me to give to Him what He requires?’ OR ‘Am I hanging onto something which God says is His?’
Trouble-makers deceive, are greedy, covetous, stealing what does not belong to them. And then try to hide what they have taken – Achar did that, he dug a hole within his tent and concealed what he kept for himself; lots of gold & silver.
Trouble-makers are still deceiving, stealing that which is not theirs, coveting what belongs to God.
God doesn’t mess around – He knows! He sees! He judges!
So! Repent. Confess to God and to others as needed.
Many hundreds of years later, God sent His Son to redeem, forgive, redeem those who repent. Without Jesus as Savior – all people will be judged and found wanting.
Hope for today! John 3:16 “For God so loved the world (that’s you!), that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
Achar perished, his whole family also perished. Sinful actions affect families, even nations.
Consider this ~
God holds accountable every person for their actions.
As a song says,
“I come guilty to be pardoned…
by the blood of Christ the Lamb…”