In the book of 2 Kings, the last days of two countries is told. How they went away from the living God and was judged by God for their rejection of Him.
Today, are you rejecting the living God? Repentance is telling the Lord God your sins against Him and asking His forgiveness. Turning from those sins and turning to Him who hears your prayer of receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior. God is at work!
The kingdom of Israel where ten of the twelve tribes lived, had no godly kings, all worshiped other gods. God’s judgment on them as a nation? They were taken into exile by the Assyrians in 722 bc. That world power scattered the people from each other, forcing them to live in many different places throughout the vast area the Assyrians controlled. These ten Israeli tribes were separated from each other and their homeland. God was at work, because His people did not obey His words! 2 Kings 18:11-12
The kingdom of Judah, where the other two tribes lived, had some godly kings and some kings who worshiped other gods. Babylon became the dominate world power, conquering Assyria. Babylon finally succeeded in capturing Jerusalem and Judah. They took the people to Babylon in exile in 586 bc. God was at work!
2 Kings 25:10-12
There was a difference between these two countries… the northern country, Israel, was scattered to the extent the people did not return to their homeland of Israel.
The southern country, Judah, was promised by God they would return to Jerusalem and Judah after 70 years. God was at work! Jeremiah 32:26-44
God told the people of Judah through Jeremiah the prophet that He would bring the people back to Jerusalem and Judah. Even though the Lord God judged His people, He also promised them they would return from exile.
God would continue to work on their behalf even while they were in exile.
Become aware of God at work on your behalf. Read His words in the Holy Bible. They are for you.
Think about this!
Psalm 72:18-19
“Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel,
Who alone works wonders.
19 And blessed be His glorious name forever;
And may the whole earth be filled with His glory.
Amen, and amen.”