There are many pivot points in history… which will establish a nations direction for years to come.  Either good or bad.

Before King David died, he made sure Solomon was crowned king.  Another son of David, Absalom, tried to usurp the throne.  He was killed as he ran away.  Solomon was a godly king, at least he started out worshiping God. 

King David began his reign being a godly man and a godly king.  Solomon began his reign as a godly king but his many wives (700) of them, each brought her own gods with her to Israel.  And Solomon honored each of those wives with worshiping their gods.  His life, in the end, did not give God the honor, or the respect and glory God alone deserves.

Two kings – both of their lives had pivotal points which led their nation in a direction, either toward God (David’s choices) or away from God (Solomon’s choices).

When Solomon died, the kingdom of Israel became divided into two nations.  The northern nation was named Israel and ten tribes of the Israelites were included in that nation.

The southern nation was named Judah and two tribes made that nation up… it also included Jerusalem and the Temple which Solomon built at the beginning of his reign.
One nation, divided … and another pivotal point in history was completed.

Is your nation at a pivotal point in history?  We can know that God, the living God, is to be honored, worshiped and glorified by His followers, no matter what direction the leaders of your nation take.

Sad to say, the northern kingdom, Israel, never had one godly king on the throne. 
And the southern kingdom?  There were some godly kings, who led the nation of Judah to repent and to turn to the living God.  There were some kings who rejected God and led the nation away from God.

Who the people supported was important, just as it is important whom we choose to support as our leaders today.  Some countries have no choices.  There are many pivotal points in each nation’s history.  Prayers, or the lack of prayers, play in which direction the country turns – those pivot points change a nation’s future.. 

1 Timothy 2:1-4 “First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and  thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men,
2 for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.
3 This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

Think about this!  

Your prayers for your nation’s leaders are important, who knows?  Perhaps God will change the pivot point of history in your country today, because of your prayers.