Sacrifice? I am called to sacrifice? I certainly don’t always like giving up things I want to do. My definition of sacrifice is self-centered and selfish. Why do I always have to give up something for others?
That is totally naughty! The true definition isn’t anywhere near mine!
1. An act of offering (oh my, offering, not giving up?) to God something precious.
2. Something offered (oh dear, that word again) in sacrifice.
So, how do we align our definition of sacrifice with God’s definition?
1. Sacrifice of Praise – we can always praise God. Even in times of upheaval and uncertainty. Why? Because God is peace in the storm and He is always the same. He never changes. Hebrews 13:8 (NIV) “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and forever.”
2. Sacrifice of Time/Gifts/Prayer-God calls us to offer up to Him our time, our gifts He gives us, and to pray. For when we do any of that, we are doing God’s work. We are making a difference because God works in us and through us. Such blessings we receive when we offer up to God everything! Paul states it so clearly in Romans 12, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers (sisters, everyone), in view of God’s mercy (God’s sacrifice of offering up Christ for us!), to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship.” Vs. 1 (NIV) (Content in parentheses added.)
Think about this…!
Align your definition of sacrifice with God’s definition
to offer up praise, prayer, time and your gifts to God.