Who Are You Choosing to Follow?
The hunter became the hunted. Saul had set out to destroy anyone who was a follower of Christ in Damascus. But, just outside of Damascus, Saul was confronted by the Lord Jesus…Paul was blinded…then had regained his sight after three days all through the acts of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Acts 9:1-19
Saul began proclaiming Jesus as the risen Lord, the risen Messiah. People believed what he had to say about Jesus and became Saul’s disciples, his students.
Acts 9:19-22
He was a dynamic leader and pointed others to Jesus the Christ (Messiah). He also became a target.
(NASB) Acts 9:23 “When many days had elapsed, the Jews plotted together to do away with him…”
Those who had once been his cohorts against the followers of Christ became his enemies.
Saul became a follower of Christ and was greatly influencing others to do the same. Saul chose to follow Jesus!
Who are you following? Are you carefully choosing what you see (movies, DVD’s), what you hear (music) and what you read (books, etc), even the games you play?
What we see, what we hear, what we read and how we use our time influences us either toward the living God or away from Him…who are you choosing to follow?
~ Take it to heart ~
Who you choose to follow will influence others…