Have you entered a room or approached others in the middle of their conversation – not knowing what was being talked about and discussed?

This happened to Jesus’ disciples.  They were in the town of Sychar, buying food for an evening meal.  They went back to where they left Jesus, sitting beside a well of water.  Jesus was talking with a Samaritan… woman!  Jews didn’t talk with Samaritans much less women!

It just wasn’t done!  It was not socially acceptable.  John 4:8

When Jesus’ twelve disciples returned, at this point, the woman left, she even left her waterpot and went into the city, telling the men of that town. “Come, see a man who told me all the things that I have done, this is not the Christ is it?” 
John 4:29 NASB

At this point, the men of the city went out to see Jesus for themselves.  John 4:30

At what point did you go to hear and see; understand, who Jesus is for your benefit?
Perhaps you are now ‘at this point’ to hear, really hear that Jesus is the Savior. 

His very name, Jesus, means “to save His people from their sins.”  You can be included in that inner circle, saved from your sins by asking Jesus to be your Savior.

Have you spoken to others of your Savior, follower of Christ?  Maybe, just maybe, they are ready to hear about Jesus as their Savior as that woman of Samaria was ready to hear that Jesus was the authentic Messiah, the Anointed One of God.

~ Take it to heart ~

At this point, where are you in your walk with the Lord Jesus? 
Are you ready to hear and see?