As the pandemic continues, we are still told to wear masks and self-quarantine.  Cities and countries continue to place restrictions on gatherings.
Riots and unrest, violence and demands are becoming the “norms” in the streets of our cities.

“These things took place…” as there is a vigorous research going on for a vaccine against this deadly virus.

“These things took place…” where Zoom meetings are part of business and church gatherings.

“These things took place…” where believers in Christ are called to re-examine their beliefs, to be revived… to living life, God’s way.  Live by doing what God says in His word, the Holy Bible.  To live our lives, relying on Him, to put His word into action.  To worship Him in ways which please Him.  To worship Him with meaning and to, every day, walk with Him.

The Pharisees, the Jewish religious leaders sent a group of men to find out more about John the Baptist.  This group asked John, after they found him baptizing in the Jordan River, “Why then are you baptizing, if you are not the Christ (Messiah), nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?”

How did John answer?  “I baptize in water, but among you stands One whom you do not know.  It is He who comes after me, the thong of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie.”

“These things took place in Bethany beyond the Jordan where John was baptizing.”  NASB John 1:24-28  

John was questioned by the religious authorities in front of the Jewish audience.  Only Gentiles were usually baptized, not Jewish people. 

John understood who Jesus was – Messiah – the next day, John saw Jesus and said, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”  NASB John 1:29

As we are knee-deep in this pandemic “These things took place…” to point us to the living God. 
John the Baptist preached repentance to the Jewish nation… they needed to be prepared to receive their Messiah.

This pandemic is a sermon, a heads-up to get our attention onto Messiah Jesus!  He is the Savior, He came to save His people from their sins.  And He is also God the Son, Immanuel, God with us. 

NASB Psalm 69:32 “The humble have seen it and are glad;
You who seek God, let your heart revive (live).”

~ Take it to heart ~

Followers of Christ “These things took place…” for us to examine our beliefs and follow our Lord Jesus.  Not to follow our own understanding of what or who we think God is. 

Are we digging into reading God’s word, the Holy Bible, and putting our actions into practical ways of living while “These things took place…”?