Mark 4:35-39
If Jesus never stilled the raging Sea of Galilee with His word…
Jesus would STILL be God!
BUT Jesus DID speak, and the wind and waves of the Sea of Galilee were stilled…
          Jesus IS God Who is concerned for all who are in the boat with Him.
          Jesus is STILL God!

a blind man: John 9:1-11; a leper: Matthew 8:1-3; a lame man: John 5:9
If Jesus never healed a blind man, or a leper, or a lame man…
Jesus would STILL be God!
BUT Jesus DID heal a blind man, He healed a leper, and He healed a lame man…
Jesus IS God Who is concerned today for all those who need to be given spiritual sight.
          Jesus IS God Who is concerned for the “untouchables”, the deplorables of this world, He came to save each one of us.
          Jesus IS God who is concerned for all who are lame.
          Jesus is STILL God!

John 4:4-30
If Jesus never talked with a woman who slept around…
          Jesus would STILL be God!
BUT Jesus DID talk with a woman beside a well and she was given forgiveness.
          Jesus IS God who is concerned for all who are sinners in need of His forgiveness and faith in Him. 
Jesus is STILL God!

John 11:38-44
If Jesus never raised Lazarus from the grave…
          Jesus would STILL be God!
BUT Jesus DID raise Lazarus from death, and He will raise you to life when you place your faith in Him.
          Jesus IS God Who is concerned for you ~ think about Who He is…
          Jesus is STILL God!

~ Take it to heart ~

Think about this!
Jesus is STILL God!