Take Aways
I tend to look back on situations and wonder what am I to learn, to take away? 20/20 hindsight can lead us to change our attitudes, reactions, decisions for now and into the future.
Do you ever wonder about what would have been if our response or decision would have been different? I wonder if the Israelites did that. They grumbled and they cried out against God and Moses because they were in the desert. They wanted to go back to the “land of milk and honey in Egypt”. Numbers 14
They went ahead of God’s plan and took things into their own hands. As a result of their disobedience, they would not see the land God was giving to them. “Your children will be shepherds here (in the wilderness) for forty years, suffering for your unfaithfulness…” Numbers 14:33 (NIV)
If you continue to read in Numbers (I encourage you to do so!), the Israelites continued to grumble and complain, and dispute God’s plans for them.
It seems as if they didn’t learn or become teachable.
During times of crisis, what is your response? Do you grumble, complain, dispute God’s words? Or, do you pray, encourage, and help others through by showing them Jesus?
~ Take it to heart ~
“Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.”
~St. Francis of Assisi.
Don’t let regret or “should have” be your take aways.