When you invite people to your home, do you expect them to invite you to their home?
Friends, brothers, relatives, rich neighbors – most return the invitation. 

Jesus talked with a gathering of Pharisees about that very thing.  He said about the above list that when they invited you back, you were being repaid. 
Repaid – now!

Then Jesus said something that makes us wonder, is He talking to me?  Today? 

“But when you give a reception, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind,
and you will be blessed, since they do not have the means to repay you; for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” 
Luke 14:13-14 NASB   Repaid — later!

This is a tough question for many reading this devotional.  Who do we know who has little or no money?  Or those who are crippled physically, mentally, emotionally?  Or those who use crutches, a walker, a wheelchair, or have the need to be carried?  What about those who cannot see? 

I would imagine you and I know quite a few people who are poor – either financially or spiritually.  What about the crippled who want no sympathy but would welcome friendship?

Then there are those who need help of some kind to move from one place to another… that is not only physically but can be mentally and/or emotionally.  Then what about those who are legally blind or are spiritually blind to God and His love for them?

How can you show another Jesus Christ’s love through you?  What can you do, this week, to reach out to someone who needs a friend? 

What practical things can be done to help someone without the attitude of being better than them? 

In my adult Sunday School class, the teacher gave us an idea… for abused women in women’s shelters… take a purse and fill it with small needed items and a small New Testament or Bible.

What can you do in your town, city or village?  Be innovative, God is not limited!  Ask Him.

~ Take it to heart ~

Follower of Christ… you can become an unnamed source of showing God’s love for someone.  Then, know you will receive your payback when you are in God’s presence and hear… “Well done, good and faithful servant!”  Matthew 25:21 NIV